Historiated Title-Page Border

Book Title: Confessio oder bekantnus des Glaubens etlicher fürsten vnd Stette; : Vberantwort Keiserlicher Maiestat auff dem Reichstag gehalten zu Augspurg. Anno D.M.XXX. Apologia der Confessio mit fleis emendirt

Author: Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560

Image Title: Historiated Title-Page Border

Scripture Reference:

Description: This historiated title-page border features the conversion of Saul of Tarsus (later, the Apostle Paul) at the head, Paul and Peter (right) on the sides, and the Delphic oracle at the foot (philosophers gather around the Castalian spring, where the Delphi priestesses bathed before announcing their oracles).

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Rights Status: No Copyright - United States
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