
Book Title: Heliotropium : seu, Conformatio humanae voluntatis cum divina ... explicata. / ab Hieremia Drexelio

Author: Drexel, Jeremias, 1581-1638

Image Title: Impediment

Scripture Reference:

Description: A band of armed figures passes corpses half-buried in the sand, while King David grasps the stem of a wilted sunflower. Peering from behind a cloud, the sun hides its face from the desolation below. The broken chain between the hearts labeled “Sequere” (“Obey.”) and “Non serviam” (“I will not serve.”) suggests that all these troubles have resulted from human disobedience to God. So does the caption, which contains a quotation from Proverbs 1:24, spoken by Wisdom: “Vocavi et renuistis” (I called, and you refused”).

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