
Book Title: Het Nieuwe Testament ons salichmaeckers Iesv Christi, mitsgaders d'epistelen : wt het Oude Testament, soo die door 't jaer in den dienst der h. kercke ghelesen worden. / Oversien ende verbetert na den laetsten Roomschen text, door den eerw. H. Henricus van den Leemputte, Licentiaet in de h. Godheyt. Verciert met veel schoone figueren, gesneden door Christoffel van Sichem, voor P.I.P.

Author: Leemputte, Henricus van den, 1588-1657

Image Title: Cornelius

Scripture Reference:

Description: When Peter arrives at Cornelius' house, the centurion bows before him. Above, the Holy Spirit is represented as a dove, while Peter holds the keys of the kingdom. Includes the monogram of the woodcutter, Christoffel van Sichem II (1577-1658); his son, Christoffel van Sichem III (1618-1659), may have collaborated with him on these images, near the top left corner.

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