The Judge

Book Title: Imagines de Morte, et epigram[m]ata / è Gallico idiomate à Georgio Aemylio in Latinu[m] translata.

Author: Holbein, Hans, 1497-1543. Totentanz

Image Title: The Judge

Description: A skeleton (= Death) looks over a judge sitting in a chair and tries to take the rod which symbolizes his authority. Two men stand before the judge: one is seen reaching into his purse to offer a bribe (which the mayor appears eager to accept), while the other awaits his sentence. On the floor an hourglass has been knocked over. The 41 images of Hans Holbein's "The Dance of Death" (Lyon, 1538) were cut by Hans Luetzelburger and here appear in the 1542 Latin edition of the work.

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