Salle de L'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise (The Hall of French Equitorial Africa)

Salle de L'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise (The Hall of French Equitorial Africa) [No PDF Currently Available]

Book Title: African postcard collection

Author: Not Available

Image Title: Salle de L'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise (The Hall of French Equitorial Africa)

Description: Salle de L'Afrique equatoriale Francaise (Peres du Saint-Esprit). Vitrine d'Art Chretien, couronnee d;une frise d'ebene (Haut-Oubangui) et surmontee d'un masque (Cameroun). A l'interieur de la vitrine, statuettes religieuses, et, a gauche, la crosse en ivoire de Mgr Le Roy, sculptee par un Noir. (Vitrine executee dans les ateliers des Peres du Saint-Esprit). (The Hall of French Equatorial Africa, Fathers of the Holy Spirit. A showcase of Christian art; a frieze of ebony from Upper-Oubangui topped by a mask from Cameroon. Within the window, religious statues, and left, lacrosse ivory of Bishop Le Roy, carved by a Black. (Showcase executed in the workshops of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit.).

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