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Call Number Image Title
1712BiblA Feast of Tabernacles
1712BiblA David and Abigail
1712BiblA Healing at Bethesda
1712BiblA Esau’s Birthright
1712BiblA The Young Jesus in the Temple
1712BiblA Jacob and Esau Reunited
1712BiblA Death of the Firstborn
1712BiblA Hagar's Despair
1712BiblA Death of Holofernes
1712BiblA Paul Heals a Cripple
1712BiblA Death of Absalom
1712BiblA Mordecai Honored
1712BiblA Little Scroll
1712BiblA Jeremiah Imprisoned in a Cistern
1712BiblA The Ascension of Jesus
1712BiblA Bar-Jesus
1712BiblA Jacob and Rachel
1712BiblA Death of Antiochus
1712BiblA Prophecy of Oded
1712BiblA Death of Eli
1712BiblA Jesus Before Caiaphas
1712BiblA Jesus Before Caiaphas
1712BiblA Death of Heliodorus
1712BiblA A Lion Slays the Man of God
1712BiblA Construction of the Temple
1712BiblA Nineveh Repents
1712BiblA Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind
1712BiblA Fall of Adam and Eve
1712BiblA Fiery Furnace
1712BiblA Jonah and the Large Fish
1712BiblA Abram & Lot
1712BiblA Messengers to Job
1712BiblA Jeroboam and Ahijah
1712BiblA Canaanite Woman
1712BiblA Near Sacrifice of Isaac
1712BiblA Plague of Hail
1712BiblA Throne Room
1712BiblA Daniel in the Lion's Den
1712BiblA Young Rich Man
1712BiblA Contest at Mt. Carmel
1712BiblA Paul Before Agrippa
1712BiblA Elisha Raises the Shunammite's Son
1712BiblA Angel Visits Shepherds
1712BiblA Golden Calf
1712BiblA Rich Man and Lazarus
1712BiblA Triumphal Entry
1712BiblA A Man of God Condemns Jeroboam I
1712BiblA Death of John the Baptist
1712BiblA Saul's Conversion
1712BiblA God Turns Moses' Staff into a Serpent
1712BiblA Parable of the Hidden Treasure
1712BiblA Jesus Raises Lazarus
1712BiblA Wise Woman of Tekoa
1712BiblA Peter Heals the Lame Beggar
1712BiblA Samuel Anoints Saul
1712BiblA Jael Shows Barak the Body of Sisera
1712BiblA Shimei Curses David
1712BiblA Peter Denies Jesus
1712BiblA Nicodemus
1712BiblA Jephthah's Daughter
1712BiblA David Commissions Solomon
1712BiblA New Jerusalem
1712BiblA Elisha Heals the Stew
1712BiblA Doubting Thomas
1712BiblA The Widow's Offering
1712BiblA Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
1712BiblA New Testament Title Border
1712BiblA Road to Emmaus
1712BiblA Cain Kills Abel
1712BiblA Jesus Heals a Paralytic
1712BiblA Many Healed
1712BiblA David and Ahimelech
1712BiblA The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany
1712BiblA Elisha Multiplies the Widow's Oil
1712BiblA Ananias
1712BiblA Balaam's Donkey
1712BiblA The Resurrection of Jesus
1712BiblA Nathan Confronts David
1712BiblA Jehu's Companions Finding the Remains of Jezebel
1712BiblA Gabriel Visits Zechariah
1712BiblA Jesus Calms a Storm
1712BiblA Elisha's Bones Resurrect the Dead
1712BiblA Joseph and his Brothers Reunited
1712BiblA Ahab and Jehoshaphat Seek Counsel
1712BiblA Jesus Teaches the Crowds
1712BiblA Samson and Delilah
1712BiblA Rebekah at the Well
1712BiblA The Cupbearer and Baker’s Dreams
1712BiblA Jehoiakim Burns the Scroll
1712BiblA Death of Ahab
1712BiblA Ten Lepers
1712BiblA Become Like a Child
1712BiblA Abraham and Abimelech
1712BiblA Ravens Feed Elijah
1712BiblA Samson Slays 1,000 Philistines
1712BiblA Murder of Ish-Bosheth
1712BiblA Water from the Rock
1712BiblA Jesus Walks on Water
1712BiblA Parable of the Prodigal Son
1712BiblA Angel Appears to Samson’s Parents
1712BiblA Chariot of Fire and Parting the Water
1712BiblA The Annunciation
1712BiblA Throne Room
1712BiblA Theophany at Sinai
1712BiblA David Spares Saul's Life
1712BiblA Saul Found Among the Baggage
1712BiblA Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
1712BiblA David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
1712BiblA Plague of Blood
1712BiblA Parable of the Prodigal Son
1712BiblA Lord of the Sabbath
1712BiblA Abraham's Three Visitors
1712BiblA Isaiah Prophesies Hezekiah's Recovery
1712BiblA Simeon
1712BiblA Job Aids Friends
1712BiblA Sacrifice
1712BiblA Second Coming
1712BiblA Zaccheaus
1712BiblA The Healing of Naaman's Leprosy
1712BiblA Baptism of Jesus
1712BiblA Jacob Blesses His Sons
1712BiblA David and Jonathan
1712BiblA Elijah Calls Down Fire from Heaven
1712BiblA Joseph's Tunic
1712BiblA Last Supper
1712BiblA Temptation of Jesus
1712BiblA Visit of the Wise Men
1712BiblA Fall of Jerusalem
1712BiblA Paul Preaches in Athens
1712BiblA Death of Samson
1712BiblA Elijah Meets the Widow of Zarephath
1712BiblA Ruse of the Gibeonites
1712BiblA Adoni-Bezek
1712BiblA Saul Consults the Medium at Endor
1712BiblA Call of Matthew
1712BiblA Seventh Seal
1712BiblA Jesus and Children
1712BiblA Cornelius
1712BiblA Parable of the Fig Tree
1712BiblA Samson Slays a Lion
1712BiblA Paying Taxes to Caesar
1712BiblA Elijah Raises the Widow's Son
1712BiblA Elisha Heals the Waters
1712BiblA The Stoning of Stephen
1712BiblA Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream
1712BiblA Trial of the Adulteress
1712BiblA Obadiah Hides the Prophets
1712BiblA Woman with Issue of Blood
1712BiblA Abram and Melchizedek
1712BiblA Gideon's Call
1712BiblA Healing the Blind Man
1712BiblA Ishmaelites Purchase Joseph
1712BiblA Bronze Serpent
1712BiblA Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem
1712BiblA Cleansing the Temple
1712BiblA John the Baptist
1712BiblA Job's Affliction
1712BiblA Exorcism
1712BiblA Moses Is Found
1712BiblA Samson and the Gates of Gaza
1712BiblA Wedding at Cana
1712BiblA Joseph and Jacob Reunited
1712BiblA Expulsion of Adam and Eve
1712BiblA Garden of Gethsemane
1712BiblA Boaz Meets Ruth
1712BiblA The Siege of Samaria Is Lifted
1712BiblA Jacob Wrestles with God
1712BiblA Achan's Sin
1712BiblA Stranger is Welcomed
1712BiblA Mary and Martha
1712BiblA Thirsty are Quenched
1712BiblA Jacob's Dream
1712BiblA Israel Rebels Against Rehoboam
1712BiblA Woman at the Well
1712BiblA Jacob Learns that Joseph Lives
1712BiblA Prisoner Visited
1712BiblA The Crucifixion of Jesus
1712BiblA Battle with the Amalekites
1712BiblA David Pours Out Water
1712BiblA Visiting the Sick
1712BiblA Josiah Consults Huldah
1712BiblA Sun Stands Still
1712BiblA Parable of the Lost Sheep
1712BiblA Passover
1712BiblA Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
1712BiblA Samuel Anoints David
1712BiblA Beast Bound and Final Judgment
1712BiblA Noah’s Ark and the Flood
1712BiblA Shepherds Visit
1712BiblA Parable of the Good Samaritan
1712BiblA Outrage at Gibeah
1712BiblA Tower of Babel
1712BiblA Isaac Blesses Jacob
1712BiblA Israel in Egyptian Bondage
1712BiblA Crossing the Jordan
1712BiblA Jephthah's Daughter
1712BiblA God Rejects Saul
1712BiblA Ahijah and the Wife of Jeroboam I
1712BiblA Boys Mock Elisha
1712BiblA Jerusalem Delivered from Sennacherib
1712BiblA Potter's Vessel Broken
1712BiblA Samuel Given to Eli
1712BiblA Faith of the Centurion
1712BiblA Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
1712BiblA Feed the Hungry
1712BiblA Ethiopian Eunuch
1712BiblA Resurrection at Nain
1712BiblA Jonah Overboard
1712BiblA Title Page
1712BiblA Plague of Boils
1712BiblA Noah’s Altar and God’s Promise
1712BiblA Writing on the Wall
1712BiblA Jethro
1712BiblA Olivet Discourse
1712BiblA Feeding the 5,000
1712BiblA Tobit's Sight Restored
1712BiblA Elijah Flees to Horeb
1712BiblA Hezekiah's Reforms
1712BiblA One Like a Son of Man
1712BiblA Pentecost
1712BiblA Joab Slays Amasa
1712BiblA Blind Leading the Blind
1712BiblA Miraculous Catch of Fish
1712BiblA Royal Consultation with Elisha
1712BiblA Plague of Livestock
1712BiblA Gideon's Fleece
1712BiblA Parable of the Tenants
1712BiblA Parable of the Talents
1712BiblA Sermon on the Mount
1712BiblA Arrest of Jesus
1712BiblA Joshua and the Angel
1712BiblA Tabitha
1712BiblA David and Goliath
1712BiblA Moses Kills an Egyptian
1712BiblA The Good Shepherd
1712BiblA Parable of the Wedding Feast
1712BiblA The Visitation
1712BiblA Contest at Mt. Carmel
1712BiblA Noah’s Return to Dry Ground
1712BiblA A Lion Slays the Man of God
1712BiblA Parable of the Ten Virgins
1712BiblA Visit of the Wise Men
1712BiblA Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
1712BiblA Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
1712BiblA Naked Clothed
1712BiblA Peter's Escape from Prison
1712BiblA Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
1712BiblA Manna
1712BiblA Solomon's Wisdom
1712BiblA Expedition Returns
1712BiblA Tobias and the Big Fish
1712BiblA Samuel's Farewell Speech
1712BiblA Stoning of Naboth
1712BiblA Jesus Taken Down from the Cross
1712BiblA Jesus Delivered To Be Crucified by Pilate
1712BiblA Return from Exile
1712BiblA David Learns of Saul's Death
1712BiblA Burning Bush and Sign
1712BiblA Jonah and the Vine
1712BiblA Dinah Revenged