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  Your search yielded 268 records.

Call Number Image Title
1699Font Historiated Title-Page Border
1699Font Title-Page Image
1699Font Adam
1699Font Creation of Eve
1699Font Fall of Adam and Eve
1699Font Expulsion of Adam and Eve
1699Font Cain Kills Abel
1699Font Noah's Ark
1699Font Fleeing from the Flood
1699Font God’s Promise to Noah
1699Font Noah's Drunkenness
1699Font Tower of Babel
1699Font Abram and Sarai Leave Ur
1699Font Lot and Abram Separate
1699Font Abram and Melchizedek
1699Font Hagar and Angel
1699Font Abraham's Three Visitors
1699Font Angels Visit Lot
1699Font Lot's Daughters
1699Font Abraham and Abimelech
1699Font Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
1699Font Near Sacrifice of Isaac
1699Font Sarah’s Burial
1699Font Rebekah at the Well
1699Font Esau’s Birthright
1699Font Isaac Blesses Jacob
1699Font Jacob's Dream
1699Font Jacob Meets Rachel
1699Font Jacob Wrestles with God
1699Font Jacob and Esau Reunited
1699Font Simeon and Levi’s Vengeance
1699Font Ishmaelites Purchase Joseph
1699Font Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
1699Font Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
1699Font Joseph Promoted in Egypt
1699Font Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams
1699Font Jacob and Joseph Reunited
1699Font Hebrew Midwives
1699Font Moses Is Found
1699Font Burning Bush
1699Font God Turns Moses' Staff into a Serpent
1699Font Plague of Frogs
1699Font Passover
1699Font Red Sea
1699Font Manna
1699Font Water from the Rock
1699Font Battle with the Amalekites
1699Font Theophany at Sinai
1699Font Golden Calf Destroyed
1699Font Ten Commandments
1699Font Ark of the Covenant
1699Font Table with Bread of Presence
1699Font Lampstand
1699Font Altar of Burnt Offering and Altar of Incense
1699Font Priestly Garments
1699Font Fiery Death for Nadab and Abihu
1699Font Blasphemer Stoned
1699Font Expedition Returns
1699Font Korah's Rebellion
1699Font Bronze Serpent
1699Font Balaam's Donkey
1699Font Moses Sees the Promised Land
1699Font Crossing the Jordan
1699Font Battle of Jericho
1699Font First Battle of Ai
1699Font Sun Stands Still
1699Font Adoni-Bezek
1699Font Jael Shows Barak the Body of Sisera
1699Font Gideon's Call
1699Font Gideon's Fleece
1699Font Gideon Choosing his Soldiers
1699Font Gideon Defeats the Midianites
1699Font Death of Abimelech
1699Font Jephthah's Daughter
1699Font Samson Slays a Lion
1699Font Samson Slays 1,000 Philistines
1699Font Samson and the Gates of Gaza
1699Font Samson and Delilah
1699Font Rape of Levite’s Concubine
1699Font War Between Israelites and Benjamites
1699Font Boaz Meets Ruth
1699Font Threshing Floor
1699Font Samuel Given to Eli
1699Font Death of Eli
1699Font Temple of Dagon
1699Font Philistines Return the Ark
1699Font Samuel's Sacrifice and Philistia's Defeat
1699Font Samuel Anoints Saul
1699Font Jonathan Defeats the Philistines
1699Font Samuel Kills Agag
1699Font David Plays the Harp
1699Font David and Goliath
1699Font Israelite Women Praise David
1699Font Saul Attacks David
1699Font David and Jonathan
1699Font David and Abigail
1699Font David Spares Saul's Life
1699Font David Defeats the Amalekites
1699Font Golden Calf
1699Font Death of Saul
1699Font Samson Slays 1,000 Philistines
1699Font David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
1699Font David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
1699Font David Sends Ambassadors to Hanun
1699Font David and Bathsheba
1699Font Nathan Confronts David
1699Font Death of Amnon
1699Font Death of Absalom
1699Font Death of Sheba
1699Font God Smites Israel with a Deadly Plague
1699Font Bathsheba and Nathan
1699Font Solomon's Wisdom
1699Font Solomon's Temple
1699Font Bronze Sea
1699Font Solomon Prays to Dedicate the Temple
1699Font The Queen of Sheba
1699Font Solomon's Idolatry
1699Font Rehoboam Seeks Advice
1699Font A Man of God Condemns Jeroboam I
1699Font Omri's Revolt
1699Font Ravens Feed Elijah
1699Font Contest at Mt. Carmel
1699Font A Lion Slays the Man of God
1699Font Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath
1699Font Death of Ahab
1699Font Chariot of Fire and Parting the Water
1699Font Boys Mock Elisha
1699Font Elisha Multiplies the Widow's Oil
1699Font The Healing of Naaman's Leprosy
1699Font Siege of Samaria
1699Font Elisha Prophesies the End of Samaria's Siege
1699Font Death of Jezebel
1699Font Elisha's Bones Resurrect the Dead
1699Font Zechariah Murdered
1699Font Judeo-Israelite War
1699Font Hezekiah Becomes King
1699Font Jerusalem Delivered from Sennacherib
1699Font Hezekiah's Illness
1699Font Josiah Renews the Covenant
1699Font Fall of Jerusalem
1699Font Jehoiachin Released
1699Font Return from Exile
1699Font Rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple
1699Font Tobit Buries a Body
1699Font Tobias and the Big Fish
1699Font Tobit's Sight Restored
1699Font Holofernes Consults Achior
1699Font Judith Before Holofernes
1699Font Death of Holofernes
1699Font Esther's Request
1699Font Mordecai Honored
1699Font Esther's Request
1699Font Job's Affliction
1699Font Job Speaks
1699Font Isaiah's Call
1699Font Jeremiah Imprisoned in a Cistern
1699Font Baruch
1699Font Ezekiel's Vision
1699Font The Valley of Dry Bones
1699Font Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
1699Font Fiery Furnace
1699Font Nebuchadnezzar Deposed and Driven Away
1699Font Writing on the Wall
1699Font Daniel in the Lion's Den
1699Font Vision of Four Beasts
1699Font Susanna
1699Font Elders Before Daniel
1699Font Daniel and the Dragon
1699Font Daniel in the Lion's Den
1699Font The Minor Prophets
1699Font Jonah and the Large Fish
1699Font Jonah in Nineveh
1699Font Jonah and the Vine
1699Font Death of Heliodorus
1699Font Antiochus IV Epiphanes
1699Font Martyrdom of Eleazar
1699Font Martyrdom of the Seven Brothers
1699Font Mattathias
1699Font Maccabean Revolt
1699Font Maccabean Victory
1699Font Death of Antiochus
1699Font Death of Eleazar
1699Font Death of Judas Maccabeus
1699Font Jonathan Maccabees
1699Font Jonathan Burried
1699Font Matthew
1699Font Mark
1699Font Luke
1699Font The Annunciation
1699Font The Visitation
1699Font Shepherds Visit
1699Font Angel Visits Shepherds
1699Font Circumcision of Jesus
1699Font Visit of the Wise Men
1699Font The Presentation
1699Font Flight into Egypt
1699Font The Young Jesus in the Temple
1699Font Baptism of Jesus
1699Font Temptation of Jesus
1699Font Wedding at Cana
1699Font Nicodemus
1699Font Woman at the Well
1699Font Jesus SleepsThrough a Storm
1699Font Jesus Heals a Demoniac
1699Font Jesus Heals a Paralytic
1699Font Sermon on the Mount
1699Font Judging Others
1699Font Faith of the Centurion
1699Font Resurrection at Nain
1699Font The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany
1699Font Parable of the Sower
1699Font Death of John the Baptist
1699Font Feeding the 5,000
1699Font Jesus Walks on Water
1699Font Canaanite Woman
1699Font The Transfiguration of Jesus
1699Font Jesus' Teaching on Greatness
1699Font Ten Lepers
1699Font Trial of the Adulteress
1699Font Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind
1699Font Parable of the Good Samaritan
1699Font Mary and Martha
1699Font Parable of the Rich Fool
1699Font Parable of the Prodigal Son
1699Font Rich Man and Lazarus
1699Font Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
1699Font Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
1699Font Jesus Raises Lazarus
1699Font Zaccheaus
1699Font Triumphal Entry
1699Font Cleansing the Temple
1699Font Parable of the Wedding Feast
1699Font Parable of the Talents
1699Font Second Coming
1699Font Last Supper
1699Font Garden of Gethsemane
1699Font Arrest of Jesus
1699Font Jesus Before Caiaphas
1699Font Jesus Is Flogged
1699Font Jesus Sentenced
1699Font Carrying the Cross
1699Font The Crucifixion of Jesus
1699Font The Burial of Jesus
1699Font The Resurrection of Jesus
1699Font Road to Emmaus
1699Font The Ascension of Jesus
1699Font Pentecost
1699Font Peter Heals the Lame Beggar
1699Font Ananias and Sapphira
1699Font The Stoning of Stephen
1699Font Ethiopian Eunuch
1699Font Saul's Conversion
1699Font Cornelius Baptized
1699Font Peter Escapes from Prison
1699Font Lystra
1699Font Shipwreck and Malta
1699Font One Like a Son of Man
1699Font Throne Room
1699Font Four Horsemen and Fifth and Sixth Seals
1699Font Seventh Seal and Trumpets
1699Font Fifth and Sixth Trumpets
1699Font Little Scroll
1699Font Witnesses Taken
1699Font Beasts of Earth and Sea
1699Font Seven Bowls
1699Font Fall of Babylon
1699Font Beast Bound and Final Judgment
1699Font New Jerusalem