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Call Number Image Title
1853BiblD Creation of Light
1853BiblD Creation of the Sky
1853BiblD Creation of Plants
1853BiblD Creation of Heavenly Bodies
1853BiblD Creation of Birds and Sea Creatures
1853BiblD Creation of Humanity
1853BiblD Seventh Day of Creation
1853BiblD Fall of Adam and Eve
1853BiblD God Confronts Adam and Eve
1853BiblD Expulsion of Adam and Eve
1853BiblD Adam, Eve, and Family
1853BiblD Cain and Abel
1853BiblD Cain Kills Abel
1853BiblD Cain Establishes Enoch
1853BiblD Days of Noah
1853BiblD Noah's Ark
1853BiblD Noah’s Ark and the Flood
1853BiblD Noah Exits the Ark
1853BiblD Noah’s Altar and God’s Promise
1853BiblD Noah Curses Ham
1853BiblD Tower of Babel
1853BiblD Abrahamic Covenant
1853BiblD Abraham's Three Visitors
1853BiblD Abram Leaves Haran
1853BiblD Abram and Melchizedek
1853BiblD Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah
1853BiblD Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
1853BiblD Near Sacrifice of Isaac
1853BiblD Rebekah at the Well
1853BiblD Isaac and Rebekah Meet
1853BiblD Isaac Blesses Jacob
1853BiblD Jacob's Dream
1853BiblD Jacob Meets Rachel
1853BiblD Jacob Works for Laban
1853BiblD Jacob Flees Laban
1853BiblD Jacob Wrestles with God
1853BiblD Jacob and Esau Reunited
1853BiblD Ishmaelites Purchase Joseph
1853BiblD Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
1853BiblD Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
1853BiblD Joseph Promoted in Egypt
1853BiblD Joseph Revealed
1853BiblD Jacob and Joseph Reunited
1853BiblD Israel in Egyptian Bondage and Massacre of the Innocents
1853BiblD Moses Is Found
1853BiblD Moses Kills an Egyptian
1853BiblD Burning Bush
1853BiblD Staffs to Snakes
1853BiblD Passover and Death of the Firstborn
1853BiblD Pharaoh Frees Hebrews
1853BiblD Miriam’s Song
1853BiblD Manna and Water from the Rock
1853BiblD Battle with the Amalekites
1853BiblD Ten Commandments
1853BiblD Golden Calf
1853BiblD Judgment
1853BiblD Ten Commandments
1853BiblD Expedition Returns
1853BiblD Korah's Rebellion
1853BiblD Aaron's Staff Buds
1853BiblD Bronze Serpent
1853BiblD Balaam's Donkey
1853BiblD The Selection of Joshua
1853BiblD Moses Sees the Promised Land
1853BiblD Burial of Moses
1853BiblD Rahab
1853BiblD Crossing the Jordan
1853BiblD Joshua and the Angel
1853BiblD Battle of Jericho
1853BiblD Fall of Ai
1853BiblD Sun Stands Still
1853BiblD Kings Captured
1853BiblD Tribal Inheritance
1853BiblD Jael Shows Barak the Body of Sisera
1853BiblD Gideon's Call
1853BiblD Gideon Choosing his Soldiers
1853BiblD Death of Abimelech
1853BiblD Jephthah's Daughter
1853BiblD Samson Slays a Lion
1853BiblD Samson Slays 1,000 Philistines
1853BiblD Samson and Delilah
1853BiblD Death of Samson
1853BiblD Benjamites Seize Wives from Shiloh
1853BiblD Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah
1853BiblD Boaz Meets Ruth
1853BiblD Hannah's Prayer
1853BiblD God Calls Samuel
1853BiblD Death of Eli
1853BiblD Samuel Anoints Saul
1853BiblD God Rejects Saul
1853BiblD David Chosen
1853BiblD David and Goliath
1853BiblD Saul Attacks David
1853BiblD David and Jonathan
1853BiblD David Spares Saul's Life
1853BiblD David and Abigail
1853BiblD Saul Consults the Medium at Endor
1853BiblD Death of Saul
1853BiblD Samuel Anoints David
1853BiblD David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
1853BiblD David and Bathsheba
1853BiblD Nathan Confronts David
1853BiblD David's Child Dies
1853BiblD Shimei Curses David
1853BiblD Death of Absalom
1853BiblD David Pours Out Water
1853BiblD God Smites Israel with a Deadly Plague
1853BiblD Solomon Made King
1853BiblD Solomon's Wisdom
1853BiblD Solomon Plans Construction of the Temple
1853BiblD The Queen of Sheba
1853BiblD Solomon's Idolatry
1853BiblD Rehoboam and Jeroboam 1
1853BiblD Ravens Feed Elijah
1853BiblD Elijah Raises the Widow's Son
1853BiblD Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal
1853BiblD God Appears to Elijah
1853BiblD Death of Ahab
1853BiblD Chariot of Fire
1853BiblD Elisha Raises the Shunammite's Son
1853BiblD Death of Jezebel
1853BiblD Jerusalem Delivered from Sennacherib
1853BiblD Book of the Law
1853BiblD Fall of Jerusalem
1853BiblD Return from Exile
1853BiblD Rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple
1853BiblD Rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple
1853BiblD Ezra Reads the Book of the Law
1853BiblD The Coronation of Esther
1853BiblD Mordecai Honored
1853BiblD Messengers to Job
1853BiblD Job's Affliction
1853BiblD Restoration of Job
1853BiblD David the Psalmist
1853BiblD David Confesses
1853BiblD David Prays for Deliverance
1853BiblD David the Psalmist
1853BiblD Solomon and Lady Wisdom
1853BiblD Isaiah
1853BiblD Jeremiah's Call
1853BiblD Jeremiah's Lament
1853BiblD Ezekiel's Vision
1853BiblD Daniel Interpreting the Writing on the Wall
1853BiblD Death of Holofernes
1853BiblD Judith Returns to Bethulia
1853BiblD Tobias and Sarah Pray
1853BiblD Tobias and Sarah Sleep
1853BiblD Jesus Ben Sirach
1853BiblD Jesus Ben Sirach
1853BiblD Jewish Martyrs
1853BiblD Mattathias' Followers
1853BiblD Judas Maccabee
1853BiblD Simon Maccabee Made High Priest
1853BiblD Death of Heliodorus
1853BiblD Martyrdom of the Seven Brothers
1853BiblD A Horseman Appears
1853BiblD Vision of Judas Maccabee
1853BiblD Susanna and Elders
1853BiblD Trial of Susanna
1853BiblD Daniel in the Lions' Den
1853BiblD Gabriel Visits Zechariah
1853BiblD The Annunciation
1853BiblD The Visitation
1853BiblD Naming of John the Baptist
1853BiblD Angel Visits Shepherds
1853BiblD Shepherds Visit
1853BiblD Shepherds Spread Good News
1853BiblD The Presentation
1853BiblD Visit of the Wise Men
1853BiblD Angel Warns Joseph
1853BiblD Flight into Egypt
1853BiblD Massacre of the Innocents
1853BiblD The Young Jesus in the Temple
1853BiblD John the Baptist
1853BiblD Baptism of Jesus
1853BiblD Angels Attend to Jesus
1853BiblD Witness of John the Baptist
1853BiblD First Disciples
1853BiblD Wedding at Cana
1853BiblD Cleansing the Temple
1853BiblD Nicodemus
1853BiblD Woman at the Well
1853BiblD Jesus Heals a Paralytic
1853BiblD Jairus' Daughter
1853BiblD Healing the Blind
1853BiblD Sermon on the Mount
1853BiblD Death of John the Baptist
1853BiblD Resurrection at Nain
1853BiblD Jesus Forgives the Adulteress
1853BiblD Jesus SleepsThrough a Storm
1853BiblD Exorcism
1853BiblD Jesus Sends out the Twelve Disciples
1853BiblD Feeding the 5,000
1853BiblD Jesus Walks on Water
1853BiblD The Transfiguration of Jesus
1853BiblD Mary and Martha
1853BiblD Parable of the Good Samaritan
1853BiblD Parable of the Prodigal Son
1853BiblD Rich Man and Lazarus
1853BiblD Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
1853BiblD Trial of the Adulteress
1853BiblD Jesus Raises Lazarus
1853BiblD Jesus' Teaching on Greatness
1853BiblD The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany
1853BiblD Triumphal Entry
1853BiblD Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
1853BiblD Institution of the Eucharist
1853BiblD Garden of Gethsemane
1853BiblD Arrest of Jesus
1853BiblD Jesus Before Caiaphas
1853BiblD Peter Denies Jesus
1853BiblD Jesus Mocked
1853BiblD Jesus Delivered To Be Crucified by Pilate
1853BiblD Death of Judas Iscariot
1853BiblD Carrying the Cross
1853BiblD The Crucifixion of Jesus
1853BiblD The Burial of Jesus
1853BiblD The Resurrection of Jesus
1853BiblD The Empty Tomb
1853BiblD Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
1853BiblD Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
1853BiblD Road to Emmaus
1853BiblD Doubting Thomas
1853BiblD Miraculous Catch of Fish
1853BiblD The Ascension of Jesus
1853BiblD Pentecost
1853BiblD Peter Heals the Lame Beggar
1853BiblD The Stoning of Stephen
1853BiblD Ethiopian Eunuch
1853BiblD Saul's Conversion
1853BiblD Peter's Vision at Joppa
1853BiblD Paul and Barnabas in Lystra
1853BiblD Paul at the Areopagus
1853BiblD Paul Leaves Ephesus
1853BiblD Paul Arrives in Rome
1853BiblD One Like a Son of Man
1853BiblD Throne Room and Four Horsemen
1853BiblD Seventh Seal and 144,000 Sealed
1853BiblD Michael and the Dragon
1853BiblD New Jerusalem