Book List

Displaying 747 Records

Call Number Image Title
MSS353 Stanleyville-La Cathedrale
MSS353 Mbuma-Zending
MSS353 Gabon, Case de Catechiste (Gabon, Catechiste Hut)
MSS353 Lusambo La Cathedrale (Cathedral of Lusambo)
MSS353 Mission Baudouinville
MSS353 Ecole de Garcons, Longenschool (Men’s School, “Longenschool”)
MSS353 Projet de l'Eglise Saint-Francois-d'Assisse (Church Plan of St. Francis of Assisi)
MSS353 Native Church Nairobi, Kenya Colony
MSS353 Mission St. Gabriel
MSS353 Clinique Medicale–Elisabethville (Medical Clinic (Hospital)-Elisabethville)
MSS353 Colonie Enfants Debiles–Dongelburg (Facilities for Mentally Challenged Children)
MSS353 Vue de la Cathedrale et des Jardins de Stanleyville Congo-Belge (View of the Cathedral and Gardens of Stanleyville, Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Habitation des Missionaires Terminee (Completed Missionaries House)
MSS353 Kinshasa-L'Eglise (Church in Kinshasa)
MSS353 St. Louis de l'Oubanghi-Habitation de Missionnaires-(St. Louis from Oubangi-Missionaries House)
MSS353 Chappelle et Chretiens de Village des Balois (Chapel and Christians from the Village of Balois)
MSS353 Eglise de Coquilhatville (Church, Coquihatville)
MSS353 Dahomey Athieme le Nouveau Clocher (New Bell Tower in the Dahomey Athieme Church)
MSS353 Loanda, Templo Protestante
MSS353 Mission School of St. Gabriel
MSS353 Mission de la Lukulla (Mission of Lukulla)
MSS353 Eglise de Stanleyville (Church of Stanleyville)
MSS353 Eglise de Leopoldville (Church of Leopoldville)
MSS353 Elisabethville-La Cathedrale (Cathedral, Elisabethville)
MSS353 Interieur de la Cathedrale de Stanleyville Congo Belge (Interior View of the Cathedral of Stanleyville, Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Interieur Chapelle de St. Gabriel (Interior View of the Chapel of St. Gabriel)
MSS353 Choeur de la Chapelle de St. Gabriel (Choir of the Chapel)
MSS353 Gabon-La Riviere Abanga (The Abanga River)
MSS353 Cotonou-L'Eglise Catholique (The Catholic Church)
MSS353 Eglise des R.R. Chanoines Premontres (Church of the R.R. Premonstratensian Canons)
MSS353 Le Fleuve a Lambarene (The River to Lambarene)
MSS353 Le Fleuve Ogooue a Lambarene (The Ogooue River in Lambarene)
MSS353 Zusters van Liefde van Jezus en Maria, Gent (Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, Ghent)
MSS353 Zusters van Liefde van Jezus en Maria, Gent (2) (Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, Ghent, (2)
MSS353 Lessouto le Repas (Lesotho Meal)
MSS353 Soeurs de la Charite de Jesus et de Marie, Gand (Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, Ghent)
MSS353 Lessouto Temple de Morija (Lesotho, Morija Temple)
MSS353 La Tombe d'un Missionaire (The Tomb of a Missionary)
MSS353 Chapelle de la Mission–Linzolo (Mission Chapel)
MSS353 Cour Interieure de la Mission (Courtyard of the Mission)
MSS353 Mgr Hyacinthe (Archbishop Hyacinthe)
MSS353 Maisons Missionnaires de Douala (Mission Houses of Douala)
MSS353 Algemeen Zicht–Rungu (General View–Rungu)
MSS353 Missionnaires Catechistes des Noirs (Catechistic Missionaries of the Blacks)
MSS353 Femmes Catechistes Preparant la Nourriture des Maladies (Woman Catechists Preparing Food for the Sick)
MSS353 Mpala (Haut-Congo) (Mpala–Upper Congo)
MSS353 A Gauche, la Maison des Soeurs Blanches (At Left, the House of the White Sisters)
MSS353 Lecon de Catechisme aux Petits (Reading the Catechism to the Children)
MSS353 Boudewijnstad - Reunion du Dimanche (Baudoinville. Sunday Meeting)
MSS353 Missie van Mpala (Mpala Mission)
MSS353 La Preparation de la Farine de Manioc (The Preparation of Cassava Flour)
MSS353 Cameroun-Eglise de Yabassi (Cameroon–Church of Yabassi)
MSS353 Annuntiaten van Heverlee (Annuntiatien of Heverlee?)
MSS353 Mission des RR. PP. Jesuits Congo Belge (Mission of the RR. PP. Jesuits, Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Au Village Chretien 't Christendrop (In a Christian Village)
MSS353 Babumameisjes (Babumameisjes)
MSS353 Autel Fabrique a la Menuiserie de Kisantu (Altar Carpentry Factory, Kisantu)
MSS353 Interieur de la Chapelle de Sandoa (Interior of the Church of Sandoa)
MSS353 Le P. Libere au Ailieu de ses Catechistes (P. Libere With his Catechists)
MSS353 Lombolombo-Wafanda-Le Village en 1940 (Lombolombo–Wafanda – The Village in 1940)
MSS353 Centre Medical (Medical Center)
MSS353 La vie Simple de nos Maladies (The Simple Life of Our Patients)
MSS353 Le Village in 1946 (The Village in 1946)
MSS353 Mission des Freres-Mineurs, Congo (Mission of the Freres-Mineurs, Congo)
MSS353 Mission es Freres-Mineurs, Congo (2) (Mission of the Freres-Mineurs, Congo)
MSS353 Mission es Freres-Mineurs, Congo (3) (Mission of the Freres-Mineurs, Congo
MSS353 Mission es Freres-Mineurs, Congo (4) (Mission of the Freres-Mineurs, Congo)
MSS353 Gite d'Etape en Tikarie (Lodging in Tikar)
MSS353 Un Paysage en Lessouto (A Landscape in Lesotho)
MSS353 Vue d'Ensemble, Morija, Lessouto (Overview, Morija, Lesotho)
MSS353 Mosquee de Djenne-Region de Mopti (Mosque of Djenne–Mopti Region)
MSS353 L'Eglise des RR. PP. Jesuites (Church of the RR PP Jesuits)
MSS353 Chapelle et Maison des Missionnaires (Chapel and Missionary House)
MSS353 L'Eglise de la Mission de Lokandu (Lokandu Mission Church)
MSS353 La Procession du Saint-Sacrement (The Procession of the Blessed Sacrament)
MSS353 La Cathedrale de Baudouinville (Baudouinville Cathedral)
MSS353 Soeurs Blanches sur le lac Tanganika (White Sister on Lake Tanganyika)
MSS353 Sur de Tanganika (On Lake Tanganyika)
MSS353 Le Fleuve a Lambarene (2). (The River in Lambarene)
MSS353 Le Fleuve Ogooue a lLambarene (2) (The Ogooue River in Lambarene)
MSS353 Eglise Catholique 1929, Antalaha (Catholic Church, Antalaha, 1929)
MSS353 Le Presbytere de Stanleyville (The Presbytere of Stanleyville)
MSS353 L'Eglise Apres la Messe (The Church After Mass)
MSS353 Missie der Witte Zusters te Boudewijnstad (Mission of the White Sisters in Baldwin City)
MSS353 Mission de Kissantu (Kissantu Mission)
MSS353 Kissantu Panorama
MSS353 Mission Actuelle de Kisantu vue de Jardin (Current Kisantu Mission – View of the Garden)
MSS353 Maison des Peres a Leverville (House of the Fathers, Leverville)
MSS353 L'Hopital Europeen (European Hospital)
MSS353 Le Lazaret des Dormeurs (The Sleepers’ Lazaret)
MSS353 Chapelle Kapel (Chapel)
MSS353 La Maison vue de Jardin, Kisantu (Kisantu, View of the House from the Garden)
MSS353 Interieur de l'Eglise, Kisantu (Church Interior, Kisantu)
MSS353 Missions Salesiennes (Salesian Mission)
MSS353 Vue Generale du Poste de Kimbau (General View of the Post at Kimbau)
MSS353 Un Catechiste et sa Famille (A Catechist and his Family)
MSS353 Une Route Carossable. (A Motor Road.)
MSS353 Steenoven en Dorschmachien (Stone Kiln and ???)
MSS353 L'Eglise et le Pont (The Church and the Bridge)
MSS353 Seconde Maison des Peres a Kisantu (Second House of the Fathers, Kisantu)
MSS353 Africanischer Rhythmus (African Rhythm)
MSS353 De Vuurtoren en het Strand (The Lighthouse and the Beach)
MSS353 De Toren te St. Benedictus-Hemptinne (The Tower at St. Benedict, Hemptinne)
MSS353 Puinen van de Oude Kerk (Ruins of the Ancient Church)
MSS353 Missions des RR. PP. Redemptoristes (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Missions des RR. PP. Redemptoristes. (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Missie 1986 Botswana (1986 Mission, Botswana)
MSS353 Missions des RR. PP. Redemptoristes (3) (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Missions des RR. PP. Redemptoristes (4) (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Missions des RR. PP. Redemptoristes (5) (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Missies de P.P v.d. H. Geest (Missions of the PP of the Holy Spirit)
MSS353 Mission d'Afrique (African Mission)
MSS353 Paysage Africain (African Landscape.)
MSS353 Oblates de L'assomption (Oblates of the Assumption)
MSS353 A l'embarcadere De Samkita (At a Dock in Samkita)
MSS353 Missions des RR. PP. Redemptoristes (6) (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Il Missionario Insegna il Catechism (The Missionary Teaches the Catechism)
MSS353 Tra i Negri (Among the Blacks)
MSS353 Ecolier de la Mission d'Omvan (The Omvan Mission School)
MSS353 Femme Portant une Marmite (Woman Carrying a Pot)
MSS353 Svatky Frantisku (???)
MSS353 Chceme Pouciti Cernochy (We Teach the Blacks ???)
MSS353 Tez Cernoch ma Byti Poznati (???)
MSS353 Zivot Cernochu ma Byti Posvecen (???)
MSS353 Missionaire en Voyage (A Missionary Setting out on a Voyage)
MSS353 Fillette d'Omvan Apprenant a Tricoter (A Girl from Omvan Learns to Knit)
MSS353 Choeur de l'Eglise-Midden Koor (Choir of the Church)
MSS353 A L'entree du Village (At the Entrance of the Village)
MSS353 Maison des Soeurs (House of the Sisters)
MSS353 Hartbeeld op de Missie van St. Trudo (Heart Statue on the Mission of St. Trudo)
MSS353 Een Papayaboom (A Papaya Tree)
MSS353 Sortie de Messe des Ecoliers d'Omvan (A Mass of Students Exit School in Omvan.)
MSS353 Petite Jumelles Orphelines (Little Orphan Twins)
MSS353 Cathedrale Ste-Anne (St. Anne Cathedral)
MSS353 Missien van de Broeders (Mission of the Brothers)
MSS353 Missien van de Broeders (2) (Mission of the Brothers)
MSS353 Village Malgache (Malagasy Village)
MSS353 Missions des P.P de Saint Espiritu (Mission of the PP of St. Espiritu)
MSS353 Missions des P.P du Saint Espiritu (2) (Mission of the PP of St. Espiritu)
MSS353 Mission des Peres Lazaristes (Mission of the Lazarite Fathers)
MSS353 Missions des Lazaristes (Mission of the Lazarites)
MSS353 Missien van de Broeders (3) (Mission of the Brothers)
MSS353 Missions des P.P. du Saint-Espirit (Missions of the PP of the Holy Spirit)
MSS353 Village de Chef Pres de Nkongsamba (Village Chief near Nkongsamba)
MSS353 Werk van don Bosco (Work of Don Bosco)
MSS353 Missionnaires du S. Coeur (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Missionnaires du S. Coeur (2) (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Mission Dominicaine du Congo Belge (Dominican Mission of the Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Mission Dominicaine du Congo Belge (2) (Dominican Mission of the Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Mission Dominicaine du Congo Belge (3) (Dominican Mission, Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Mission Dominicaine du Congo Belge (4) (Dominican Mission, Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Mission Dominicaine du Congo Belge (5) (Dominican Mission, Belgian Congo)
MSS353 Mission d'Ougadougou (Mission of Ougadougou)
MSS353 Mission d'Ougadougou (2) (Mission of Ougadougou)
MSS353 Mission d'Ougadougou (3) (Mission of Ougadougou)
MSS353 Mission d'Ougadougou (4) (Mission of Ougadougou)
MSS353 Mission d'Ougadougou (5) (Mission of Ougadougou)
MSS353 Une Bergerie–Kisantu (A Sheepfold, Kisantu)
MSS353 Ancienne Maison and Oude Woonst (Old House and New House)
MSS353 Etiopia-Ponte Indigeno (Ethiopia–Native Bridge)
MSS353 Missionarissen van Het H. Hart (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Mission du Senegal (Mission of Senegal)
MSS353 Mission du Senegal (2) (Mission of Senegal)
MSS353 Mission du Senegal (3) (Mission of Senegal)
MSS353 Vues sur l'Inkisi (View of Inkisi)
MSS353 Nos Pirogues (Rungu–Our Canoes)
MSS353 Rungu-Salle des Machines (Rungu–Machine Room)
MSS353 Rungu-Un Pont sur le Barrage (Rungu–A Bridge Over the Dam)
MSS353 Hopital-Vue d'Ensemble (Hospital–Overview)
MSS353 Missionnaires du S. Coeur (3) (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Missions des RR PP Redemptoristes (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 In de Kreken te Banana (In the Creeks of Banana)
MSS353 Een Prauw op de Lubefu-Rivier (A Boat on the Lubefu River)
MSS353 Eene Waadbare Rivier Kangu (A Fordable Section of the Kangu)
MSS353 Kangu Kerk (Kangu Church)
MSS353 Une Alle de Manguiers (An Avenue of Mango Trees)
MSS353 Hopital a luluabourg (Luluabourg Hospital)
MSS353 Deux Types de l'Alma Mater de Luluabourg (Two Boys of the Alma Mater of Luluabourg)
MSS353 Eene Inlandsche Keuken (Indigenous Cuisine)
MSS353 Missions des RR PP Redemptoristes (2) (Mission of the RR PP Redeemers)
MSS353 Mission des Soeurs de Notre Dame (Mission of the Sisters of Our Lady)
MSS353 Soin des Malades (Caring for the Sick)
MSS353 Couvent des Soeurs–Kisantu (Covent of Sisters, Kisantu)
MSS353 Famille Soudanaise (Sudanese Family)
MSS353 L'Afrique Equatoriale (Equitorial Africa)
MSS353 Soudan Francais et Haute-Volte (French Sudan and Upper Volta)
MSS353 Hopital Lavigerie (Hospital Laundry)
MSS353 Afrique Equatoriale (Equitorial Africa)
MSS353 Arrivvee Dans un Soudan Village (Arrival in a Sudanese Village)
MSS353 Maison Mere et Noviciat (House of the Mothers and Novitiate)
MSS353 Nouveaux Baptistes (Newly Baptized)
MSS353 Jour de la 1st Communion (First Day of Communion)
MSS353 En Tournee Apostolique (At an Apostolic Tournee ??)
MSS353 Haute-Volta–Ougadougou (Upper Volta–Ougadougou)
MSS353 Campement de Nomades (Nomad Camp)
MSS353 La Porte du Dispensaire de Toma (The Door of the Dispensary, Toma)
MSS353 Grand'maman et sa Petite-Fille (Grandfather and his Granddaughter)
MSS353 A l'Etape (A step. ??)
MSS353 Sr. Feicienne et les Petites (Sister Feicienne and the Children)
MSS353 Les Petites Filles de la Mission (The Little Girls of the Mission)
MSS353 Likoma Cathedral (Likoma Cathedral)
MSS353 Dakar-La Cathedrale et le Port (Dakar–The Cathedral and the Port)
MSS353 Dakar-La Cathedrale et rue Dagorne (Dakar–The Cathedral and Dagorne Street)
MSS353 Cathedrale de Dakar (Dakar Cathedral)
MSS353 Les Noms Dans la Cathedrale (The Names in the Cathedral)
MSS353 Cathedrale de Dakar (2) (Dakar Cathedral)
MSS353 Egypte-Le Pont de Ghesireh (Egypt–The Ghesireh Bridge)
MSS353 Dahomey - Coin de Lagune (Dahomey – A Spot in the Lagoon)
MSS353 Dahomey-Cove l'Ecole Regionale (Dahomey–Regional Cove School ??)
MSS353 Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre Dame (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady)
MSS353 La Joie Dans le Travail (Joy in Work)
MSS353 Bebe Repose (Baby at Rest)
MSS353 Missie in Katanga (Mission in Katanga)
MSS353 Mission Benedictine du Katanga (Benedictine Mission, Katanga)
MSS353 Missien der Paters van den H. Geest (Mission of the Fathers of the Holy Ghost)
MSS353 Type d'une Jeune Mzabite Avec son Enfant (A Young Mzabite With His Son)
MSS353 L'ecole Menagere de Quittah (The Household-School in Quittah)
MSS353 Zagazig-en Visite Chez les Coptes (Zagazig–Visiting the Copts)
MSS353 Missionnaries du S. Coeur, Borgerhout-Anvers (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Borgerhout-Anvers)
MSS353 Missionnaires de S Coeur Borgerhout-Anvers (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Borgerhout-Anvers)
MSS353 Dahomey sur le Fleuve Oueme (Dahomey, on the River Oueme)
MSS353 Recolte d'Amandes de Palmes (Collecting Palm Kernels)
MSS353 Petites Servantes du Sacre-Coeur (Small Servants of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Mission de Maousso (Maousso Mission)
MSS353 Eglise Provisoire de Jacqueville (Provisional Church, Jacqueville)
MSS353 Le Clocher d'Athieme (The Bell Tower of Athieme)
MSS353 Calavi-En Station Secondaire (Calavi–in the Second Row??)
MSS353 Debut d'Une Mission (The Beginning of a Mission)
MSS353 Missions des Peres du Saint Espirit (Mission of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit)
MSS353 Waterval in Kivoe (Waterfall in Kivoe)
MSS353 Waterval in Kivoe (2) (Waterfall in Kivoe)
MSS353 Afrique Orientale (East Africa)
MSS353 Visite Dans un Village du Nyanza (Visit to a Village in Nyanza)
MSS353 Missions de Scheut: Congo (Scheut Mission: Congo)
MSS353 Eglise de Kisantu (Church of Kisantu)
MSS353 Jesuit Mission in Congo (Jesuit Mission in Congo)
MSS353 Les Bebes au Bain (The Baby Bath)
MSS353 Eglise de Kisantu (2) (Church of Kisantu)
MSS353 Un Bapteme Dans un Poste de Catechiste (A Baptism in a Catechism Post)
MSS353 Le Catechiste Dans un Village (The Catechist in a Village)
MSS353 Le Jardin D'Essai (The Experimental Garden)
MSS353 Facade de l'Eglise (Church Façade)
MSS353 Schoolkapel in Valle Brousse (School Chapel in the Village of Crousse)
MSS353 Salle de L'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise (The Hall of French Equitorial Africa)
MSS353 Nos Arbres Africains (Our African Trees)
MSS353 Fondation de la Mission de Bouroudou (Establishment of the Bouroudou Mission)
MSS353 La Soeur et la Catechisme des Tout-Petits (The Sister Reads the Catechism to the Children.)
MSS353 Reproduction d'une Sculpture Indigene (Reproduction of a Native Sculpture)
MSS353 La Halte du Missionnaire (A Missionary Rests)
MSS353 M. Richard Chef de Poste (Monsieur Richard, Chief of the Post)
MSS353 Une Chute sur la Riviere Madsia (A Fall on the River Madsia)
MSS353 Le Lecon de Gymnastique (A Gymnastics Lesson)
MSS353 Missien van Scheut: Kongo (Scheut Mission–Congo)
MSS353 Les Chretiens Souhaitent la Bienvenue (The Christians Give Welcome)
MSS353 La Premiere Messe du Premier Pretre Noir du Kasai (The First Mass of the First Black Priest of Kasai)
MSS353 Ecole Normale de Tielen St. Jacques (Normal School of Tielen St. Jacques)
MSS353 Chapelle Batie par les Chretiens (Chapel Built by the Christians)
MSS353 Consecrations au Sacra Coeur (Consecration to the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Une Termitiere (A Termite)
MSS353 Une Magnifique Capture: un Leopard (A Magnificent Catch – A Leopard)
MSS353 Un Coin de la Lagune Ebrie (A Part of the Ebrie Lagoon)
MSS353 Chappelle Provisoire Dans un Poste (A Temporary Chapel in a Post.)
MSS353 La Maison des Peres (The House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Au Coeur de la Granda Foret (At the Heart of the Great Forest)
MSS353 Une Route Africaine dans le Torrent (An African Road in the Torrent)
MSS353 La Flore Congolaise (Congolese Flora.)
MSS353 Ferme de la Mission de Bingerville (Mission Farm, Bingerville.)
MSS353 Types de Femmes du Haut-Congo (Types of Women of Upper Congo)
MSS353 Congo: A la Source (Congo: At the Spring)
MSS353 La Cathedrale de Lome (The Cathedral of Lome)
MSS353 Voor Afbetaling van Misgewaden (For Repayment of Mass Vestment.)
MSS353 Toekomende Tijd (A Future Season)
MSS353 Negermode (Black Fashion)
MSS353 Une Maison Missionnaire de Senanga (A Missionary House of Senanga)
MSS353 'N Jonge Familie (A Young Family)
MSS353 'N Oude Vrouw uit Tunisie (An Old Tunisian Woman)
MSS353 Piano Indigene (Native Piano)
MSS353 Missions des Peres du St. Esprit (Mission of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit)
MSS353 Son Excellence Mgr. Nicolas Kinsch (His Excellency Monsignor Nicolas Kinsch)
MSS353 Un Jeune Pecheur (A Young Fisherman)
MSS353 Liefde Christi (Love of Christ)
MSS353 Toon, O Moeder Maagd, Jezus Uw Zoon (Show, O Mother of God, Jesus Your Son!)
MSS353 Elizabeti and Filipo (Elizabeti and Filipo)
MSS353 Ecole Normale de Kisantu (Normal School of Kisantu)
MSS353 Groupe de Chretiens (Group of Christians)
MSS353 La Chapelle de Soeurs (The Chapel of the Sisters)
MSS353 Brug Over de Lukula (Bridge Over the Lukula)
MSS353 Premiere Chapelle de Bingerville (First Church of Bingerville)
MSS353 Republique Democratique de Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo)
MSS353 Katholieke Missie (Catholic Mission)
MSS353 Brazzaville-Mission Catholique (Brazzaville–Catholic Mission)
MSS353 Two African Children
MSS353 Cathedrale–Bujumbura (Cathedral in Bujumbura)
MSS353 Missien van Scheut (Scheut Mission)
MSS353 Le Palais de Justice (The Courthouse)
MSS353 Mooi Hoekje uit Het Albertmeer (A Pretty Corner of Lake Albert)
MSS353 Stemmig Hoekje uit de Missie (Voices from the Mission)
MSS353 Mission des Peres Blancs (Mission of the White Fathers)
MSS353 Later Word Ik Vliegenier (Later, I’ll Be a Pilot.)
MSS353 La Tombe du Pere de Foucauld (The Tomb of the Father of Foucauld)
MSS353 Koopt U Geen van Mijn Potten? (Want to Buy a Pot?)
MSS353 Kerk van de Inlandsche (Church of the Inland Clergy)
MSS353 Missions de Scheut: Congo (Scheut Mission: Congo)
MSS353 Kerk te Kala (Church, Kala)
MSS353 Kerktoren van Albertstad (Church Tower of Albertstad)
MSS353 Symphonie de Village (Village Symphony)
MSS353 Ik Heb je Wat te Vertellen! (I Have Something to Tell You!)
MSS353 In de Omgeving van Fataki (In the Vicinity of Fataki)
MSS353 Seminaire Central de Kabwe (Central Seminary of Kabwe)
MSS353 Het Rijk van den Islam (The Realm of Islam)
MSS353 Het Panorama Vanop de Missie (The Panorama from the Mission)
MSS353 Quel Delice de Barboter dans L'eau (What a Delight to Dabble in the Water!)
MSS353 Bootjevaren (Sailing the Boat)
MSS353 De Mooie Kerk te Astrida (The Beautiful Church of Astrida)
MSS353 Premiere Ordination Sacerdotalean Mayombe (First Sacerdotal Ordination in Mayombe)
MSS353 Dans les Environs de Fataki (In the Vicinity of Fataki)
MSS353 Niger-Papayer (Niger–A Papaya Tree)
MSS353 Moanda en Omstreken (Moanda and Its Surroundings)
MSS353 Op Reis en Prauw (On Tour in a Dugout)
MSS353 Nue d'Ensemble de la Mission (Moanda and Its Surroundings–An Overview of the Mission)
MSS353 Premiers Travaux Pour Fonder la Mission (Preliminary Work to Establish the Mission)
MSS353 Plus Pratique (More Practical)
MSS353 Tot Weerziens, Brave Menschen (So Long, Brave People!)
MSS353 Een Jonge Baobab (A Young Baobab)
MSS353 Comment on Construit une Eglise (How to Build a Church)
MSS353 Le Leproserie de Marana (Leper Colony, Marana)
MSS353 Nos Futurs Eleves Catechistes (Our Future Catechists)
MSS353 Brouillard au Lever du Soleil (Fog at Sunrise)
MSS353 Allee des Palmiers Conduisant au Fleuve (Alley of Palm Trees Leading to the River)
MSS353 Nieuw Antwerpen (New Antwerp)
MSS353 Het Knapenkoor van St. Pieterskerk (The Boy’s Choir of St. Peter’s Church)
MSS353 Kerk van Ebonda (Church of Ebonda)
MSS353 Kapperssalon Voor Dames (Hairdressing Salon for Ladies)
MSS353 Kerk van Ndekesha (Church of Ndekesha)
MSS353 Kerkje Door de Christenen (Church Built by the Christians)
MSS353 Monseigneur Demol Vertrekkensgereed (Monsignor Demol Ready for His Trek)
MSS353 Monseigneur Onderwijst (A Bishop Teaches)
MSS353 Notre Chapelle (Our Church)
MSS353 Mission Catholique–Conakry (Catholic Mission–Conakry)
MSS353 En Pirogue (In a Canoe)
MSS353 Pilage et Vannage du Riz (Pounding and Winnowing Rice)
MSS353 Passage de la Mania (The Mania Passes)
MSS353 Un Village Basuto Dans la Montagne (A Basotho Village in the Mountains)
MSS353 Jeunes Filles (Young Girls)
MSS353 Optimisme a l'Ordre du Jour (Optimism on the Agenda)
MSS353 Turnoefeningen (Gymnastic Exercises)
MSS353 Gezworen Kameraden (Sworn Comrades)
MSS353 Anciens Remparts d'Imito (The Ancient Walls of Imito)
MSS353 Hangbrug, Maar Niet Van Staal (Suspension Bridge, But Not of Steel)
MSS353 Laat Toekomen Uw Rijk (Lead Your Kingdom Forward)
MSS353 Passiebloem en Vrucht (Passionflower and Fruit)
MSS353 L'Afrique Regarde l'Avenir avec Confiance (Africa Looks to the Future with Confidence)
MSS353 Palmwijntrekker (Palm Wine Drawer)
MSS353 Lieve Jezus, Zegen ons Land (Dear Jesus, Bless Our Country)
MSS353 Zwarte Priester Dient het H. Doopsel Toe (A Black Priest Delivers the Holy Baptism Again)
MSS353 Ult de Kudde (Horse Breeding)
MSS353 Kinderen Zijn Overal Dezelfde (Children Are the Same Everywhere)
MSS353 Rivier Lubuzi (River Lubuzi)
MSS353 La Nuit a la Belle Etoile (At Night Under the Stars)
MSS353 Le Vieux Missionnaire Instruisant (An Old Missionary Instructing)
MSS353 La Cathedrale de Roma (The Cathedral of Rome)
MSS353 La Tournee Pastorale de l'Eveque (A Pastoral Tour for the Bishop)
MSS353 Een Palmbosch (Palm Trees)
MSS353 Tumba-la Jardin Legumier (Tumba–A Vegetable Garden)
MSS353 Kimpese-La Maison des Peres (Kimpese–The House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Nsona Mbata-Coin de la Maison des Peres (Nsona Mbata–A Part of the House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Thysville-Eglise et Clocher (Thysville–Church and Steeple)
MSS353 Kimpese Mission (Kimpese Mission)
MSS353 Kisantu Maison (Kisantu House)
MSS353 Passage de la Ludisi (Passage of the Ludis)
MSS353 Au Fil de L'eau (At the Water’s Edge)
MSS353 Tire d'Embarras (Tire Embarrassment!)
MSS353 Les Petits Sont de la Fete (Children at the Celebration)
MSS353 Coin de Village (Part of the Village)
MSS353 Grand Seminaire de Mayidi (Grand Seminary of Mayidi)
MSS353 Kasse–Eglise (Kasse–Church)
MSS353 La Maison des Peres (The House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Facade du Palas du Sultan Njoya (Palace Façade of Sultan Njoya)
MSS353 Leopard Inoffensif! (Harmless Leopard!)
MSS353 Enfants de la Mission (Children of the Mission)
MSS353 Maison des Peres (House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Thysville–Eglise (Thysville–Church)
MSS353 Paysage–Landschap (Landscape)
MSS353 Kasse-Mission (Kasse–Mission)
MSS353 Tannarive-Vue du Nord (Tannarive. North View)
MSS353 Let Betsimisaraka (The Betsimisaraka)
MSS353 Rapides du Mangoro (Rapids of Mangoro)
MSS353 Matadi-Eglise (Matadi–Church)
MSS353 Wesley Church, Cape Coast
MSS353 Tumba–Moutons (Tumba Sheep)
MSS353 Ambavahadimitafo (Ambavahadimitafo)
MSS353 Madagascar-L'Lvoloina (Madagascar–the Lvoloina)
MSS353 Kimpese–Eglise (Kimpese–Church)
MSS353 L'Ecole Provisoire des Soeurs (The Provisional School of the Sisters)
MSS353 La Maison des Soeurs (The House of the Sisters)
MSS353 Les Maisons des Enfants des Soeurs (The House of the Children of the Sisters)
MSS353 Une Eglise dans la Brousse (A Church in the Bush)
MSS353 Vue de Tananarive (View of Tananarive)
MSS353 Village de la Cote Est (Village on the East Coast)
MSS353 La Cathedrale de Tananarive (The Cathedral of Tananarive)
MSS353 En Route Pour la Visite d'un Malade (On the Road to Visit a Patient)
MSS353 Les 110 Enfants des Soeurs (The 110 Children of the Sisters)
MSS353 Un Groupe d'Enfants Avec les Soeurs (A Group of Children with the Sisters)
MSS353 Au Pied de la Cascade (At the Foot of the Waterfall)
MSS353 Pretres du Sacre-Coeur (Priests of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Classe de Chant par un Catechistes (Catechist Singing Class)
MSS353 Reunion Mensuelle des Catechistes (Monthly Meeting of Catechists)
MSS353 Pierre Claver-Catechistes du Dahomey (Pierre Claver, Catechists of Dahomey)
MSS353 Als de Pater Komt (As the Father Arrives)
MSS353 Centraal Seminarie te Kabwe (Central Seminary of Kabwe)
MSS353 Missien van Scheutikongo (Mission of Scheut, Congo.)
MSS353 Dans Bij Een Opperhoofd (A Dance by a Chief)
MSS353 De Visscher (The Fisherman)
MSS353 Gabon: Les Chutes de la Ngunie (Gabon: The Falls of the Ngunie)
MSS353 Congo-Propriete de Scheut (Congo–Scheut Province)
MSS353 Malades du Sommeil au Lazaret (Patients with Sleeping Sickness)
MSS353 Malades a l'Hopital de St. Trudon (Hospital Patients in St. Trudon)
MSS353 Rust in 't Bosch (Resting in the Bush)
MSS353 Algemeen Zicht der Missie (Overview of the Mission)
MSS353 Tananarive vu du Nord Ouest (Northwest View of Tananarive)
MSS353 Alleen in Een Hoekje (Alone in a Corner)
MSS353 Cascade de Maletsunyane (Waterfall of Maletsunyane)
MSS353 Enseignement aux Femmes Adultes (Education for Adult Women)
MSS353 Un Indigene Mordu par un Lion (A Native Bitten by a Lion)
MSS353 La Catechisme aux Lepreux Ches les Soeurs Blanches (The Catechism of Lepers Among the White Sisters)
MSS353 Ecole Prefessionnelle des Missions (Professional School of the Mission)
MSS353 Habitation des Missionnaires (Home of the Missionaries)
MSS353 Palais du Sultan NJOYA (The Palace of Sultan Njoya)
MSS353 Soeurs Bleues De Castres (Blue Sisters of Castres ??)
MSS353 Une Schola Africaine (An African Choir)
MSS353 Une Case Indigene au Kwango (A Native Hut in Congo)
MSS353 Une Ecole Catholique Indigene au Congo (A Native Catholic Church, Congo)
MSS353 Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady)
MSS353 Soeurs de Notre-Dame (Sisters of Our Lady)
MSS353 Eleves Catechistes Aidant les Soeurs Blanches (Student Catechists Help the White Sisters)
MSS353 Jardin d'Essais de Kisantu (Experimental Garden in Kisantu)
MSS353 Le R.P. Faye Disant La Messe (R. P. Faye Says the Mass)
MSS353 Un Pont de Lianes Suspend (A Bridge of Suspended Vines)
MSS353 Jeunes Menages Chretiens (Young Christian Families)
MSS353 Palais du Sultan Njoya (Palace of the Sultan Njoya)
MSS353 Oeuvre de Saint-Pierre-Apotre (Work of St. Peter the Apostle)
MSS353 Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi (Work of the Propagation of the Faith)
MSS353 Missiehuis de Jacht Heverlee (Mission House of the Heverlee Hunt ??)
MSS353 Les Catechistes de L'ecole Normale (The Catechists of the Normal School)
MSS353 Femmes Atteintes de la Maladie du Sommeil (Women Suffering from Sleeping Sickness)
MSS353 Presentation de Deux Orphelines (Presentation of Two Orphans)
MSS353 Eglise Notre-Dame du Congo–Leopoldville (Church of Our Lady of Congo – Leopoldville)
MSS353 Jesuit in Madagascar (A Jesuit in Madagascar)
MSS353 Institut de Soeurs d l'Enfant Jesus (Institute of the Sisters of the Baby Jesus)
MSS353 L'Ecole des Filles (The Girls’ School)
MSS353 Une Tournee au Village (A Walk to the Village)
MSS353 Eglise de MBANGA (Church of Mbanga)
MSS353 La Mission de Maroantsetra (The Mission of Maroantsetra)
MSS353 Chapelle et Chretiens D'ampaho (Church and Christians, Ampaho)
MSS353 Eglise et la Famille du Cathechiste (Church and Family of a Catechist)
MSS353 Dominicaansche Missie in Belgisch-Congo (Dominican Mission in Belgian Congo)
MSS353 District des Bangalas (District of Bangalas)
MSS353 Heure de Detente a la Mission de Bessou (Relaxation Time at the Mission of Bessou)
MSS353 Interieur de la Chapelle des Soeurs de Saint-Joseph (Interior of the Church of the Sisters of St. Joseph)
MSS353 Cathedrale de Brazzaville (Brazzaville Cathedral)
MSS353 Ecole des Soeurs de St. Joseph de Cluny (School of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny)
MSS353 Ecole des Freres Maristes (Marist Brothers College)
MSS353 Chorale Indigene a Elisabethville (Native Chorus, Elisabethville)
MSS353 Tournee en Brousse (A Walk in the Bush)
MSS353 Kapel van Het Klein Seminarie (A Church of the Little Seminary)
MSS353 Hippopotame (Hippopotamus)
MSS353 Nos Freres Coadjuteurs (Our Coadjutor Brothers)
MSS353 Chef Catechiste (Chief Catechist)
MSS353 Nouveaqu Converti de Yaounde (A New Convert From Yaounde)
MSS353 Zicht op Den Uele (A View of the Uele)
MSS353 Deux Seminaristes Ewondos (Two Ewondo Seminarians)
MSS353 Creche des Soeurs du Saint-Esprit a Yaounde (Creche of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit, Yaounde)
MSS353 De Leerlingen van Het Klein Seminarie (The Students of Klein Seminary)
MSS353 Catechisme en Images Dans un Village du Sierra-Leone (Catechism Images in a Village in Sierra Leone)
MSS353 Feu d'Artifice Pour l'Inauguration du Chemin (Fireworks for the Inauguration of the Congolese Line)
MSS353 Cathedrale de Brazzaville (Cathedral of Brazzaville)
MSS353 Un Pere de Scheut et Son Catechiste (A Father of Scheut and his Catechist)
MSS353 Les Catechistes de L'Ecole Normale en Vacances (The Catechists of the Normal School on Holiday)
MSS353 Cathechism en Plein Air (Outdoor Catechism)
MSS353 Construction de la Chapelle de Notre-Dame (Construction of the Chapel of Our Lady)
MSS353 La Maison Episcopale de Brazzaville (The Episcopal House of Brazzaville)
MSS353 Le Jardin de Saint-Joseph (The Garden of St. Joseph)
MSS353 Palais Episcopal de Brazzaville (Episcopal Palace of Brazzaville)
MSS353 Toucoules des Religieuses a Addis Abeba (Religious Houses in Addis Ababa)
MSS353 Un Dispensaire Catholique (A Catholic Clinic)
MSS353 Paysage a Thabana-Morena (Landscape, Thabana-Morena)
MSS353 Un Coin De La Station De Samkita (A Part of Samkita Station)
MSS353 Station de Lambarene (Lambarene Station)
MSS353 Sur l'Ogooue (The Ogooue)
MSS353 De Missie te St. Truiden-bij-Lusambo (The Mission at St. Truiden-by-Lusambo)
MSS353 Region du lac Leopold (In the Vicinity of Lake Leopold)
MSS353 L'Eglise et la Residence (Church and Residence)
MSS353 De Normaalschool (The Normal School)
MSS353 Mbull Chez les Basakata (Mbull Among the Basakata)
MSS353 Sur la Route (On the Road)
MSS353 De Staatpost Van (The State Post)
MSS353 L'Eglise de Sesheke (The Church of Sesheke)
MSS353 L'eglise de Lealui L'inoudation (The Church of Lealui the Baptist)
MSS353 Tombeau sur le Haut-Plateau de l'Lmerina (Tomb of the High Plateau of Imerina)
MSS353 Vallee du Mangoro (Mangoro Valley)
MSS353 Zeepfabricatie (Making Soap)
MSS353 De Schoolkolonie van Niew Antwerpen (The Colony School, New Antwerp)
MSS353 De Missie te Luebo (The Mission of Luebo)
MSS353 Coin de Foret au Gabon (Part of a Forest in Gabon)
MSS353 Aux Bords de L'Ogooue (On the Banks of the Ogooue)
MSS353 Barque sur le Zambeze (A Boat on the Zambeze)
MSS353 Un Geant de la Foret Gabonaise (A Giant of the Forest in Gabon)
MSS353 Binnenste van Eene Inlandsche Hut (Interior of a Native Hut)
MSS353 Visite de Malades au Camp des Varloleux (Visiting Patients at the Camp of the Varloleux)
MSS353 Deux Familles Chretiennes (Two Christian Families)
MSS353 Cascade de la Lulua (Lulua Falls)
MSS353 Sortie de la Grand'Messe (After the Grand Mass)
MSS353 Coin d'un Village Indigene (Part of a Native Village)
MSS353 L'ecole normale de Luluabourg (The Normal School of Luluabourg)
MSS353 Chapelle de l'Hopital de Luluabourg (Chapel of the Hospital in Luluabourg)
MSS353 Maison Missionnaire a Lukona (Missionary House of Lukona)
MSS353 Antilope Inyala (Inyala Antelope)
MSS353 Zicht op St. Maria-Missie te Tshumbe (View of the St. Maria Mission in Tshumbe)
MSS353 Une Promenade en Pirogue sur la Lubefu (A Dugout Promenade on the Lubefu)
MSS353 La Cathedrale de St. Joseph (The Cathedral of St. Joseph)
MSS353 On Apporte son Diner (School Lunch)
MSS353 Les Bons Eleves de l'Ecole Technique (The Good Students of the Technical School)
MSS353 Les Ecoliers de Libanda (The Schoolchildren of Libanda)
MSS353 Vue d'Ensemble de la Mission de Luebo (Overview of the Luebo Mission)
MSS353 Chutes de la Lulua aux Environs Luluabourg (Lulua Falls, in the Vicinity of Luluabourg)
MSS353 Kerk en Woning der Zusters (Church and Residence of the Sisters)
MSS353 La Benediction de la Case (Blessing the Hut)
MSS353 Vicariat Apostolique du Togo (Apostolic Vicariate of Togo)
MSS353 Mission d'Atakpame (Atakpame Mission)
MSS353 Allez Donc Trouver (Let Us Work)
MSS353 Station Secondaire sur le lac Bossumteni (Secondary Station on Lake Bossumteni)
MSS353 Cathedrale de Ouidah (Cathedral of Ouidah)
MSS353 Le Lit du Mono a Athieme (The Riverbed of the Mono, in Athieme)
MSS353 Dans les Profundeurs de la Foret Africaine (In the Depths of the African Jungle)
MSS353 Halage des Billes de Bois sur le Fleuve (Hauling Logs on the River)
MSS353 Un Palmier (A Palm Tree)
MSS353 Menage Chretien (A Christian Family)
MSS353 Depart d'Une Caravane (A Caravan Departs)
MSS353 Echange de Denrees (Exchange of Commodities)
MSS353 En Tournee de Confirmation (A Confirmation Tour)
MSS353 Dans les Paletuviers (In the Mangroves)
MSS353 Edifice Public (Public Building)
MSS353 En Voyage -La Halte – Repas (A Break for Lunch During the Voyage)
MSS353 Jeunes Menages Chretiens (Young Christian Families)
MSS353 Une Jeune Maman (A Young Mother)
MSS353 Enfant Chretien (A Christian Child)
MSS353 La Case Missionnaire (The Missionary Hut)
MSS353 Une Mission Francaise (A French Mission)
MSS353 Une Jeune Maman (A Young Mother)
MSS353 Le Catechisme dans la Brousse (The Catechism in the Bush)
MSS353 Apres une rRde Journee (After a Long Journey)
MSS353 A l'Ombre des Bamboos (In the Shadow of the Bamboo)
MSS353 Le Feuve (The River)
MSS353 Chutes Mhonda (The Falls of the Mhonda)
MSS353 L'Antilope (The Antelope)
MSS353 Foret de Boranus (Boranus Forest)
MSS353 Le Torrent (The Rapids)
MSS353 Missie van Boudewijnstad (Mission of Baudouinville)
MSS353 Rhinoceros Abattu (A Killed Rhinoceros)
MSS353 Troupeaux a l'Abreuvoir (Herds at the Watering Hole)
MSS353 Un Eveque Africain (An African Bishop)
MSS353 Un Pont Suspenda (A Suspension Bridge)
MSS353 Nos Arbres Africains (Our African Trees)
MSS353 Retour du Marigot (Return of Marigot)
MSS353 Construction de la Chapelle de la Mission de Kialou (Construction of the Chapel of the Kialou Mission)
MSS353 Le Dimanche a la Sortie de la Messe (Exiting Sunday Mass)
MSS353 Les soeurs missionnaires de Notre-Dame (The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady)
MSS353 Une Caravane de Porteurs (A Caravan of Porters)
MSS353 Arabische Kleederdracht (Arab Clothing)
MSS353 De Kerk van Albertstad (The Church of Alberstad)
MSS353 Ubanglstroom te Banzystad (The River Ubangl Near Banzyville)
MSS353 Deux Chretiens de la Mission St-Francois (Two Christians of the St. Francois Mission)
MSS353 Zicht uit Noord Afrika (A View from North Africa)
MSS353 Village indegene des Peres Capucins (Native Village of the Capuchin Fathers)
MSS353 Zalig Nieuwjaar uit Afrika (A Blessed New Year, From Africa)
MSS353 Zalig Nieuwjaar uit Afrika (A Blessed New Year, From Africa)
MSS353 L'Eglise de Leribe (The Church of Leribe)
MSS353 Voorloopige Kerk te Muyaga (Provisional Church of Muyaga)
MSS353 Pres de l'Eglise se Touxe une Ecole (A School Near the Church)
MSS353 Vue Generale de la Mission de Brazzaville (A General View of the Brazzaville Mission)
MSS353 Construction de la Cathedrale de Brazzaville (Construction of the Cathedral at Brazzaville)
MSS353 Sourires d'Afrique (An African Smile)
MSS353 Un Poste de Mission (A Mission Post)
MSS353 Le Chreche Chez Soeurs (The Crèche of the Sisters)
MSS353 Palais Episcopal de Brazzaville (Episcopal Palace of Brazzaville)
MSS353 L'Equipe de Ecole Normale (The Team of the Normal School)
MSS353 Le Lecon de Catechisme (The Catechism Lesson)
MSS353 Cour Iinterieure de la Mission (Courtyard of the Mission)
MSS353 Vie Traditionelle Yacouba (Traditional Yacouba Life)
MSS353 Depart d'Un Chef de Poste (A Mission Head Departs)
MSS353 La Cathedrale de Monseigneur Lagae (The Cathedral of Monseigneur Lagae)
MSS353 Interieur d'Une Hutte Indigene (Interior of a Native Hut)
MSS353 De Kapel te Alberta (The Chapel in Alberta)
MSS353 Institut des Soeurs de l'Enfant Jesus a Nivelles (Institute of the Sisters of the Baby Jesus in Nivelles)
MSS353 Missien der Zusters van Berlaar–Procession (Mission of the Sisters of Berlaar–Procession)
MSS353 Huis der Zusters (House of the Sisters)
MSS353 Awale Speelster te Raviart (An “Awal” Player, Raviart)
MSS353 Op Zijn Zondagsch (Dressed in Sunday Best)
MSS353 L'Eglise du Nzama (The Church of Nzama)
MSS353 Dorpsleven (Laundry)
MSS353 Atelier de Broderie (Embroidery Workshop)
MSS353 Catechisme en PleinAair (Outdoor Catechism)
MSS353 Le Dispensaire (The Clinic)
MSS353 Une Simple Halte (An Informal Break)
MSS353 La Visite des Postes (Visiting Outposts)
MSS353 Une Ordination (An Ordination)
MSS353 Inlanders Visschende (Natives Fishing)
MSS353 La Messe Pendant la Halte (Mass During a Stop)
MSS353 Mission du Shire des Peres Montfortains (Shire Mission of the Montfortain Fathers)
MSS353 La Rencontre de deux Missionnaires (The Meeting of Two Missionaries)
MSS353 Congo Katende - De Missie (Katende, Congo - The Mission)
MSS353 Oude Kapel van Ste Maria-Ber-laar (Old Chapel of St. Maria-Berlaer)
MSS353 L'Ecole Normale (The Normal School)
MSS353 Amadi (Congo) School (School, Amadi, Congo)
MSS353 Vieillards Indigenes (Native Elders)
MSS353 Un Bapteme (A Baptism)
MSS353 Premiere Maison en Briques (The First Brick House)
MSS353 Kykje in Een Inlandsch Dorp (Huts in a Native Village)
MSS353 Van Hun Moeder (Far From Mother)
MSS353 Na de Hoogmis 's Zondags (After Sunday Mass)
MSS353 Distribution du riz a Manankavaly (Distributing Rice in Manankavaly)
MSS353 Allee Principale d'un Village Indigene (Main Street in a Native Village)
MSS353 Soir d'Orage sur l'Ogooue (Evening Storm on the Ogooue)
MSS353 Twee Christen Familien (Two Christian Families)
MSS353 Le Fleuve a Sesheke (The River Sesheke)
MSS353 Statue du Sacre-Coeur (Statue of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 De Lathedraal op de St. Jozefsmissie (The Cathedral of the St. Joseph Mission)
MSS353 La Flotille des Canots Royaux (The Fleet of Royal Canoes)
MSS353 Residence des Catechumenes (Houses of the Catechumens)
MSS353 Lac aux Environs de Betafo (A Lake Near Betafo)
MSS353 Woonhuts der Missionarissen (Missionary Huts)
MSS353 De Kleken (Creeks)
MSS353 L'Eglise de Lambarene (The Church of Lambarene)
MSS353 Een Hoekje Van't Kristen Dorp (A Part of a Christian Village)
MSS353 Zicht op den Oever (A View of the Shore)
MSS353 Ecole des Freres Maristes (School of the Marist Brothers)
MSS353 Un des Dispensaire du Poste Principal (One of the Clinics of the Main Post)
MSS353 Deux des Six Avenues Conduisant (Two of the Six Avenues)
MSS353 Oblats de Marie Immaculee (Oblates of Mary Immaculate)
MSS353 La Rive du Congo Avant (The Shore of the Congo Before…)
MSS353 La Classe Dans le Chimbeck (The Class in Chumbeck)
MSS353 Fanfare du Petit Seminaire (Band of the Junior Seminary)
MSS353 Danse d'lssia (A Dance of Issia)
MSS353 La Messe Pour les Malades en Afrique (Mass for the Sick in Africa)
MSS353 Recolte du riz a Kisantu (Harvesting Rice in Kisantu)
MSS353 African Smile
MSS353 Sorcier en Herbe (A Witch in the Grass)
MSS353 Overstroomd Dorp (Flooded Village)
MSS353 Een Wijze Ult Noord-Benin (A Proverb from North Benin)
MSS353 Ils Connaissent Aussi les Ventouses (They Also Know About Fire Cupping)
MSS353 Etudiantes en Philosophie et Theologie (Students in Philosophy and Theology
MSS353 Termitiere (Termites)
MSS353 Fierte Maternelle (Maternal Pride)
MSS353 Een Bananastruik (A Banana Tree)
MSS353 Un Jeune Congolais de Kisantu (A Young Congolese from Kisantu)
MSS353 Kalvarieberg (Calvary)
MSS353 Vicariat Apostolique de Loango (The Apostolic Vicariate of Loango)
MSS353 Kapel van Het Hospital (Hospital Chapel)
MSS353 Sourire d'Afrique (Smiles of Africa)
MSS353 Route Carrossable (Motor Road)
MSS353 Maison des Soeurs (House of the Sisters)
MSS353 Maison des Religieuses de la Providence (House of the Religious of Providence)
MSS353 Entree du Village (Village Entrance)
MSS353 La Nepoko (The Nepoko)
MSS353 Proeftuin van Kisantu: Pergola (Experimental Garden, Kisantu: Pergola)
MSS353 Jardin d'Essais de Kisantu: Alocasias (Experimental Garden, Kisantu: Alocasia)
MSS353 Chapelle des Soeurs (Chapel of the Sisters)
MSS353 Hopital van Europeen (European Hospital)
MSS353 Interieur d'Eglise de Brousse (Interior of a Scrubland Church)
MSS353 Sipke Van der Land (Sipke van der Land [name])
MSS353 Groupe des Premieres Eleves (A Group of the First Students)
MSS353 Un Affluent de L'Ogooue (A Tributary of the Ogooue)
MSS353 La Femme Africaine Attend elle Aussi la Bonne Nouvelle (African Women Also Await the Good News)
MSS353 Per Stoomboot of Prauw (By Steamship or Canoe)
MSS353 Maison Missionnaire a Sam-kita (Missionary House of Samkita)
MSS353 Draagsters (Porters)
MSS353 Une Passerelle a Samkita (A Passage to Samkita)
MSS353 Procession, Reposoir Devant l'Ecole (Procession to the Altar in Front of the School)
MSS353 Na de Hoogmis te Nkulu (After the Grand Mass in Nkulu)
MSS353 Vannerie Indigene (Native Basketmakers)
MSS353 La Maison des Peres (The House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Verkocht Ten Voordele van de (Sold for the Benefit of the…)
MSS353 Vue Sur la Tribune (View of the Tribune)
MSS353 Eglise Sacre Coeur (Church of the Sacred Heart)
MSS353 Interieur de la Maison (Interior of the House)
MSS353 Seminaire des Missions (Mission Seminary)
MSS353 Kerk van de Barmhartige Christus (Church of Divine Mercy)
MSS353 Village De Reo (Village of Reo)
MSS353 Mayadi (Turnhout St-Joseph) (Mayadi, Turnhout St. Joseph)
MSS353 Le Pain de Manioc (Cassava Bread)
MSS353 Le Couvent des Soeurs de N.D. (The Covent of the Sisters of Our Lady)
MSS353 Les Labours (Plowing)
MSS353 Ecoliers de Race Mongo (Students of the Mongo Tribe)
MSS353 La Procession a Dakar (The Procession in Dakkar)
MSS353 Nos Ecoles Existent Sous le Controle de l'Etat (Our Schools Are Under State Control)
MSS353 Nos Missionnaires en Tournee (Our Missionaries On Tour)
MSS353 Eglise de Memni (Church of Memni)
MSS353 La Vie Chez Soi (Life At Home)
MSS353 Village Sur les Bords du Senegal (Village on the Banks of the Senegal)
MSS353 Bapteme Solennel d'un Chef au Congo Portugais (Formal Baptism of a Chief in Portuguese Congo)
MSS353 L'Eglise Vue de Nord (Northern View of the Church)
MSS353 Perilleuse Traversee de la Barre (Perilous Crossing)
MSS353 Missionnaires en Tournee (Missionaries On Tour)
MSS353 Eglise d'Idjebu (Church of Idjebu)
MSS353 Vues de la Lagune (Views of the Lagoon)
MSS353 Femmes Chretiennes Revenant du Marche (Christian Women Returning From a Walk)
MSS353 Vruchten van Het Christen Onderwijs (The Fruits of Christian Education)
MSS353 Mission du Kindu (Katanga Nord) (Kindu Mission, North Katanga)
MSS353 Mission de Kisantu (Congo) (Kisantu Mission, Congo)
MSS353 Les Ateliers de Werkhuizen (Workshops)
MSS353 Allee Pallissandres (Rosewood Road)
MSS353 Chef Muyaka (Chief Muyaka)
MSS353 Chapelle Provisoire a Kikwit (Temporary Church, Kikwit)
MSS353 Le Reve - De Droom (The Dream)
MSS353 A la Porte du Dispensaire (At the Door of the Dispensary)
MSS353 Noviciat des Soeurs Indigenes (Novitiate of the Native Sisters)
MSS353 Kolwezi L'Eglise (Kolwezi – The Church)
MSS353 Kinshasa L'eglise (Kinshasa – The Church)
MSS353 Group Photo with Church Leader
MSS353 Aux Bords du Wuri (On the Banks of the Wuri)
MSS353 Congo: Mission de Kissantu (Congo, Kisantu Mission)
MSS353 Congo: Mission de Kissantu (2) (Congo, Kisantu Mission)
MSS353 Maison de Campagne au College (Country House at the College…)
MSS353 La Cathedrale – Elisabethville (The Cathedral, Elisabethville)
MSS353 Eglise Notre Dame au Congo (Church of Our Lady, Congo)
MSS353 Mission Catholique des Trois-Epis (Catholic Mission, Troi-Epis)
MSS353 Mission de Sainte-Radegonde (Mission of St. Radegonde)
MSS353 Establissements "La Lowa" (Building “La Lowa” ???)
MSS353 Jeunes Filles de L'Ecole de Samkita (Young Girls of the School in Samkita)
MSS353 Residence des Peres (House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Amadi L'Eglise – Kerk (Amadi, The Church)
MSS353 Jouer a Petite Maman (A Child Plays Mom)
MSS353 Matadi: L'Eglise (Matadi – The Church)
MSS353 Mission Saint-Gabriel au Congo (Mission St. Gabriel, Congo)
MSS353 Inkisi en Saison des Pluies (Inkisi During the Rainy Season)
MSS353 La Gymnastique (Gymnastics)
MSS353 Maison des Peres (House of the Fathers)
MSS353 Zwart Lelies (Black Lilies)
MSS353 Costume en Ecorce d'Arbre (Habit of Tree Bark)
MSS353 Kunt U Dat Ook? (Can YOU Do That?)
MSS353 Mission des Peres Blancs (Mission of the White Fathers)
MSS353 Mission des Peres Blancs (2) (Mission of the White Fathers)
MSS353 Katholieke Ker te Laghouat (Catholic Church in Laghouat)
MSS353 Palissanderboomen (Rosewood Trees)
MSS353 Chapelle de la Maison-Mere (Chapel of the House-Mother)
MSS353 Mission de Kisantu: Congo (Kisantu Mission, Congo)